Friday, July 5, 2013

Exfoliating Cotton Pads?

In recent months, I've heard about Target selling Exfoliating Cotton Pads that are supposedly incredible at removing dirt and makeup from the skin. I had wanted to try them for a while, but it always seemed to slip my mind whenever I was in store (and believe me, that's pretty often). So when I was grabbing a new package of makeup remover wipes and saw them on display, they were immediately in my basket.

(Excuse the photo, I couldn't use flash without the packaging reflecting the light)
I never thought I would be doing a post on something as simplistic as cotton pads, but these are just different, I knew I had to share my thoughts. One side is the normal, every day cotton pad that we all have sitting in our bathroom somewhere. The other side is rougher. Not rough like a pumice stone or even a shower loofah, but just rough enough to remove more dirt than a typical cotton pad.

Again...excuse the pictures. These were hard to photograph against a white background!
Exfoliating side 

Regular side

I wouldn't say that they are exfoliating. The rough edges just help remove the next layer of dirt/makeup that would take a bit of extra time with a regular cotton pad. I like using these with my toner, but I go for the regular option when it comes to makeup remover. Although the normal ones might not do as good as a job, I let the exfoliating ones pick up the slack later. 

I think these are good, but not something I would go out of my way to buy if I ran out. The only place I've seen these has been Target and they retail for $3.79 for a package of 100. While I'll use them up and enjoy them, I don't think they are something I'll buy all the time (is it just me or is $4 a pretty hefty price for cotton pads? The ones I buy are just over a dollar and come in a package of 80). 

Have you tried them?

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