Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Benefit Primers: Review!

While at Ulta, I began to observe the check out stands, and saw a mini set of Benefit's two most popular face primers. As someone who has never really used face primer, I was curious to see if it actually made a difference. So before shelling out $30 for one of the full sizes when I wasn't sure I was going to love the product, I said to myself, "For twelve bucks, I'll get the sample set."

The set included two deluxe samples of the POREfessional and That Gal face primers. I have been eyeing POREfessional for a while now, as I suffer from large pores on my nose, and hoped that this would help cover that up. That Gal is supposed to brighten, so I thought that it would be nice to use on one of those days where my skin just looks sallow and dull.

I will say that I find my base makeup to last longer with one of these on. POREfessional covers my pores a little, but it's nothing that produces such a miracle look that I would run out and buy it again. That Gal brightens without looking unnatural--it just adds a subtle glow under foundation. I like both!

Right- POREfessional
Left- That Gal
POREfessional is flesh-toned and That Gal is a light, salmon pink that blends into the skin to brighten. POREfessional is thicker, which the aspect that's supposed to fill the pores, but I like how That Gal applies better. 

I believe that both of these retail for around $30 each and are available wherever Benefit is sold (Sephora, Ulta, select department stores). If you're an avid user of face primers, I would recommend these! I know that Benefit just came out with another one (the Stay Flawless, I believe) that I'm looking to try. 

Do you use face primer every day?

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