Sunday, June 30, 2013

Skincare Staple: Borghese Fango Mud Mask Review!

The second I entered my horrible, teenage acne skin phase (which, sadly, is still in effect), I developed a major blackhead problem on my nose. I know what you're thinking: almost everyone gets blackheads in that area! Not like this. They never seemed to go away. I've tried it all. Masks, washes, strips. Drugstore, high-end, dermatologist prescribed. Nothing worked.  And then one day I stumbled across reviews of this little gem while looking for the latest product to give a whirl.

This is the Borghese Fango Active Mud for Face and Body and it is the most effective product when it comes to cleaning out my pores that I have ever used. I've never been drawn to mud masks in the past, but when I read multiple rave reviews on this one, I knew I had to have it. The amazing absorbing ability supposedly lies in the Italian mud, which is alongside avocado and almond oils on the ingredient list.

The downside is that the product is quite harsh if you have even slightly sensitive skin. But there is a sensitive skin version if you don't think your face can handle the real deal. I only use this on my nose, for purposes of both conserving product and the simplistic fact of only needing it in that area.

The directions on the packing say to pack it on thickly and let it sit for 2-5 minutes, which is long enough for it to absorb the dirt without the mask drying. I wouldn't change a thing in application! I think it works wonderfully.

The one that I have is 7oz and priced at $35. They also sell a 17.5oz version priced at $62. As much as I love the product and know that the bigger jar is the better deal, I think I'll stick with my 7oz bottle. The bigger container comes in a big glass jar that I feel would be impractical in terms of usage (Scoop mud out of a jar? No thank you!), storage, and just plain appearance (a glass jar filled with a green-ish gray mask isn't the most attractive thing to look at). Also, if you use it just on specific areas like I do, it should last for a very long time.

This mask is available a number of places, including the Borghese, and for the prices listed above. However, Amazon sells it for $10-25 off depending on the size you get and offers both the original and the sensitive skin versions.

If you are in the market for a new mud mask, I highly recommend this one! It is the only thing that has worked for my blackhead problem, and I definitely think it is worth the price tag.

Which product is your skincare savor?

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