Saturday, March 8, 2014

Girly Obsession: Idea Notebooks

I've been super into girly things and keeping a positive attitude lately, which is one of New Years Resolutions for 2014. I found these two notebooks from Dollar Tree (obviously a dollar each) and thought they were adorable, but once I was home I had no idea what to use them for. And then it came to me: words of inspiration and positive energy. Perfection!

The notebook on the left--the one with the dotted swirl pattern--is used for words of inspiration. I love creative writing and I love book and movie quotes, but there are so many times where I hear or say something that just makes me think wow, except...I can't remember what it was five minutes later. From the front, I write quotes from books, TV, movies, etc. that give me that wow feeling. From the back, I write down things that I say or something a friend says that screams genius! to me. That way, if I'm writing or just in need of some words of wisdom, I know exactly where to go!

On the right--the leaf patterned book--is my "Daily Good" journal. 2013 kind of sucked for me (with the exception of the birth of the blog), so for 2014 I'm trying to remember that even though every day might not be good, there is good in every day. So every time I do something or something happens, I write it down. Each page is a different day, listed numerically, so that day when I think the week or month or even the year was crap, I have a little list of the good in every single day to remind me that I did smile at some things. I write down small things, like eating Chinese takeout or watching some episodes of Gossip Girl Netflix. But everything counts, right?

Do you keep a journal? What do you write in it?

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